Welcome to the official Holman Land Surveying, Inc. blog, HLS Field Notes.
We hope you enjoy our effort to share useful information as well as some of the glamorous day-to-day activities of a land surveying firm in San Juan County, Washington.

Summer Surveying in the San Juans

Hidden Corner
Heading out into the field is one of the many reasons I love land surveying. Each project is different in its own way, and locating property corners is no exception. To most, this photo just looks like a moss-covered fern next to a puddle but it is actually a cleverly disguised property corner.
Historical Land Survey Records
In Washington State, we have the benefit of the Survey Recording Act which was established in 1973 by House Bill No. 284 and, per RCW 58.09, “provides a method for preserving evidence of land surveys by establishing standards and procedure for monumenting and for recording a public record of the surveys”. The Survey Recording Act was created for a variety of reasons including protection of the public. Protection of the public is paramount and one of the fundamental canons of Professional Land Surveyors. Washington has required the recording of certain documents with the County Auditor’s office for over 40 years, making those records readily available to you and me.
Andy Featured in P.O.B. Magazine
In April 2014, Andy was featured in Point of Beginning (P.O.B.) magazine. Click here to see the full article.