Holman Land Surveying, Inc. is committed to providing accurate and timely land surveying services. A list of typical survey project types is provided below – this list is not exhaustive.
Typical Survey Project Types:
ALTA (American Land Title Association) Survey
Aquatic Boundary
Boundary Line Adjustment or Modification
Boundary Survey
Construction Staking
Elevation Certificate
Exhibit Maps
Expert Witness
Feasibility Studies
Forensic Survey
Hydrographic Survey
Land Descriptions
Long Plat
OHWM (Ordinary High Water Mark) Determination
Plat Alteration
Short Plat
Simple Land Division
Site Plan
Topographic Survey
Wellhead Elevation Certificate
If you have any questions about or wish to discuss your current or upcoming project, please feel free to contact us directly at: 360-378-0338 or [email protected]